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World of Warships: German Fleet and Halloween

Death Note (jap. デスノート, Desu Nōto) ist eine Manga-Serie, die von 2003 bis 2006 nach einer Geschichte von Tsugumi Ōba vom japanischen Zeichner Takeshi Obata gezeichnet wurde. Sie handelt vom Schüler Light Yagami, der mit einem gefundenen Heft – dem Death Note – andere Menschen töten kann. Diese Fähigkeit setzt er ein, um sein Gerechtigkeitsideal umzusetzen, und löst dabei nicht nur einen Wandel in der Gesellschaft, sondern auch Ermittlungen der Polizei gegen ihn aus. Die Ermittlungen werden zum intellektuellen Duell zwischen Light und den Ermittlern, insbesondere den Detektiven L und Near. Der Mystery-Thriller wurde in diverse Medien adaptiert, darunter auch eine Anime-Fernsehserie, die nicht nur in Japan, sondern auch international verbreitet wurden und erfolgreich waren. Kritiker lobten die ungewöhnliche Auseinandersetzung mit Moral, das spannende und durchdachte Spiel zwischen den Protagonisten und die gelungene Umsetzung. Der Erfolg insbesondere unter Jugendlichen und vereinzelte „Nachahmungsversuche“ mit eigenen Death Notes führten zu Verbotsdebatten und Disziplinarmaßnahmen gegen Schüler.

Game developer Wargaming continues to get gas: the publisher of the free-to-play title surrounding maritime sea battles, World of Warships , published an update with new content. These include temporally limited and creepy events to Halloween and the virgin rides of the new German battleships in the Early Access. With the event Deutsche Schlachschiffe - Part One , a fleet of German battleships of animal stages III to IX screws into the Early Access.

Among them, ships from the First World War, the Tanne (Tier III), Moltke (Tier IV), Derfflinger (Tier V) and the Macksen (Tier VI), which built workers in the First World War but never finished. Also in use: the Prince Heinrich (Tier VII), predecessor of high-speed sleepers, a further development of the Macksen class with the guns of the Bayern . On Animal VIII, the Zieten is waiting with six 406-millimeter cannons, on captains. And on Tier IX, a project for high-speed sleepers stands with the Prinz Rupprecht .

World of Warships: German brands and flags

The new German battleships are equipped with more precise protruding and rich-sharp secondary protected, have the so-called consumables hydroacoustic search and fast damage limitation team as well as AIX VII via Langstreckentorpedos. The armor of the ships is not as pronounced as other battleships, but they have a significantly better mobility and a higher speed, which makes them ideal ships for the fight on medium distances. The ships of Tier III up to animal IX are available through special packages in exchange against German brands in the armory. By participating in the event personal challenges they earn the German brands - or in the trade in community brands. The ships of the steps Animal III to Tier VII are fully free of charge by playable tokens. In addition to the maiden ride of the new German battleships, Wargaming has renewed the Hamburg harbor in the game. The captains get the opportunity to install new German flags at their ships, including the flag of the imperial navy for all German ships from the time of World War II. With Johannes Meck-Leyne, from 5 November 2021 there is a special captain for the German ships, including a voice output with more than 200 voice lines, spoken of the well-known synchronized voice Manfred Lehmanns.

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1st place

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High End Ultra in04

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No card reader Slow SSD

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Pavilion TG01-1300ng (200B2EA)

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Good game tempo in Full HD Hard drive and SSD on board


4k only possible with low details Under load something loud

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1,149 €

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Not available!

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High working tensile Also shows full HD games fluid


Intel supplies the device as a barebone without RAM, SSD, Windows 10, keyboard and mouse Under full load loud

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566 €

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Not available!

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Not available!

To the offer at Saturn

4th place

To offer at Amazon

Test note





Details of the Test Detail Button Arrow


Quick with office tasks Works very economical


Something slow in the video editing Very small memory

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581, 68 €

For offer at Amazon to the offer at idealo on offer on eBay on offer at Mediamarkt on offer at Saturn

5th place

To offer at Amazon

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Mac Mini 2020 M1

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Behind The Set Of Squid Game

Very high working speed Very quiet


Not yet adapted all software Not upgradeable

to offer

672, 09 €

For offer at Amazon to the offer at idealo on offer on eBay on offer at Mediamarkt on offer at Saturn

Rank 6

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NUC 11

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High working speed Low energy consumption


For graphically elaborate games too slow

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447, 29 €

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Not available!

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Not available!

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Place 7

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EliteDesk 705 G4 Mini (4za87ea)

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High working speed Low energy consumption


Under full load a bit loud Not suitable for elaborate games

to offer

611, 52 €

To the offer at Amazon to the offer at Idealo on offer on eBay

Not available!

To the offer at Mediamarkt

Not available!

To the offer at Saturn

8th place

To offer at Amazon

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Aspire XC-886 (dt.BDDEG.00P)

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Acceptable work speed Works very quietly


Moderate upgrade options Power adapter in special format and little power (220 watts)

to offer

629 €

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Not available!

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Place 9

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Mac Mini 2018

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High working speed Very quiet


High price

to offer

1,066, 07 €

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Not available!

To the offer at Mediamarkt

Not available!

To the offer at Saturn

Place 10

To offer at Amazon

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Inspiron 3670-9518 (7WGRN)

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Many connections Very low energy demand


Slightly slow working pace A bit loud

to offer

429, 90 €

To the offer at Amazon to the offer at Idealo on offer on eBay

Not available!

To the offer at Mediamarkt

Not available!

To the offer at Saturn

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World of Warships: U-Boats and Halloween

The temporally limited game mode Twilight Hunt sends the captains into an unknown, creepy adventure. From 21 October 2021, the new game mode is ready and leaves 16 players against each other as well as against Ki-controlled ships of the twilight fleet, led by the fear of fearing rasputin. The aim of the players is to collect as many combat points as possible by switching off the opposing Armada and leave the big map Poligon before the end of time through a portal. For that, the players resort to new spooky ships, which start their maiden ride in this game mode: Reissblade , thorns and lobster eye . With the start and until the end of the update, the popular operations saves Transsilvania and Sunbeam in the darkness returns. At the event personal challenges the captains must demonstrate their skills with ships of different types and nations and earn as many basic EP as possible to unlock the next section and collect the rewards: coal and German brands . For this, the players acquire the new German battleships, blinds and flags. Subfluence is available for rent for rent for rent, so that players can experience this class in real battles and try out the balance changes.

Wargaming: even more new

With King of the Sea Xiii , the hotly contested tournament of World of Warships returns to the Piratenantitz in October and offers players and spectators many prizes. Players who put together a team of at least nine members have the opportunity to sign up for the tournament to participate in the qualification phase on October 9 and 10 October 2021. In addition, Wargamings Panzer Place Hirsch World of Tanks is now on Steam. Thus, the Belarussian company offers the great titles of the current portfolio on this platform with World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz . Wargaming wants to address even more players with the new offer for World of Tanks . And now it is now also with World of Warships .


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